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Austin & San Antonio Medicare Guide

Welcome to the Austin & San Antonio New To Medicare Guide for residents of all Austin & San Antonio areas. The information will help you no matter where you’re located. On this page you will discover information and guidance for your journey to Medicare. Everything you need to know is in this single source and after reading you’ll be armed with knowledge & resources you need to make your best decisions.

Guide Contents

These sections appear in order on this page.

  • The Parts & “Gaps” Of Medicare
  • The Two Ways To Have Medicare
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Medicare Supplements
  • Part D Prescription
  • Conclusion & Contact Us
  • Frequently Asked Questions
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The Parts Of Medicare

Medicare has 5 parts, with the primary ones being Parts A & B. Medicare Part A covers hospitalization, skilled nursing facility, and home health care.  Medicare Part B covers doctors and outpatient treatment. Medicare A & B have “Gaps,” which are potentially high out of pocket costs as well as other health related items that aren’t covered. The other 3 parts of Medicare are provided by private insurers and help fill the gaps by providing additional coverage & benefits.

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The Other 3 Parts Of Medicare

  • Medicare Advantage – Medicare Advantage, also known as “Part C,” is Private Medicare Insurance. With Medicare, you have the choice of being covered directly through the government or a private insurer. Medicare Advantage includes additional coverage not provided with Original Medicare.
  • Medicare Supplements – Medicare Supplements, also known as Medigap, are insurance plans that supplement Medicare A & B. They are offered by private insurers and help cover your out of pocket medical costs.
  • Part D – Medicare Part D is prescription coverage provided by private insurers.